I am very appreciative of those who have messaged me since my last post. I have no excuse for not posting, other than being busy with a move from the city to the country-side. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you what has been going on and to answer some of your questions...
Q: Why did you leave the city?
A: I have been coming up to Omaha and Matakana for most of my life. For me Matakana has ticket all the boxes and we now live in a semi-rural part of the area. We bought 2 acres and run horses on part of the property . So a great reference for my painting, right outside of my studio window . I just love it…. heaps of native birds even Kiwi.
We looked at a number of homes in the area . Great as they were I was wanting a studio facing the right light and room for a gallery . Both these needed to be away from the main house for privacy . So we set out looking for a flat piece of land with views …. Not easy but we found it!
Q: Did you buy or build?
A: We built. The build took us over 2 and a half years to complete . During that time NZ and the rest of the world was in a crazy place. Certain decisions made by certain people did not help any of us. Let alone those of us who were just trying to get on with our lives.
I hope to invite visitors both local and tourists who wish to pop by for a coffee and watch me paint and talk about art. I will not give classes … not really my area of expertise … Watch and learn maybe?
Q: Do you miss the city?
A: I do miss catching up with my old mates and Friday beersies . But they are quite happy now to come up stay a night or two go fishing and spend some time at the Matakana Pub !!! I don’t mis road cones and lycra-clad cyclists . I get down to Auckland 3 – 4 times a month, catch up with a couple of the galleries and load up from my favourite art stores, catch up with some friends, then I am outa there !!
Q: What do you most like about living in the country?
A: The space . I've met some bloody great people - A real mix with their feet firmly planted.
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Being quite new to the local community, I have been looking for opportunities to get more involved and so, I'm collaborating with other artists to help raise funds for Hospice.
We were so intrigued with these snubbed headed birds that I decided to do a painting of one .