
These images showcase paintings I have completed through private commissions.

The unframed dimensions are 270 x 330 mm, while the framed size measures 450 x 510 mm.

The frames are exact replicas of Goldie's original frames, crafted by John Leech.
These paintings are miniature versions of the originals and are all unique pieces. This means that no other replicas will be reproduced at this size, ensuring their one-of-a-kind status.

The next tier of these replicas is created at or close to the original size. Again, each painting is unique, with the only other version existing in the miniature collection.

Each artwork is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, personally signed by me. The certificate includes the title and year of the original painting, confirms that it is a reproduction of an original C. F. Goldie work, and states that it has been hand-painted by Craig S. Primrose.

Please email Craig directly for enquiries regarding original size reproductions